
Holidays always inevitably bring out the attitude of gratefulness, but sometimes in the hustle and business of this season, we forget to pause and inhale all the goodness that surrounds us. I know I do. So, what if we consciously changed all of that? What if we strived to live in gratitude daily? What changes in our thinking would we see? What if we named things we were grateful for every day? Small and big, big and small. Right when we wake up begin naming the things we are grateful for? Maybe it’s a good night’s sleep. A warm shower. The sun shooting through the blinds in the morning. A hot breakfast. A safe drive to work.

I recently started this exercise, and it’s pretty amazing the number of daily gifts that can be named. Writing them down in a “Gratitude Journal” brings them to life. Filling pages upon pages of all the little and big gifts God gives me before my day has even begun sets my mind on the right path, and lightens my steps.

It goes something like this:

Thank you for:

  • My husband

  • 2 happy kids

  • Waking up healthy

  • The sunshine

  • The music playing

  • The smell of coffee brewing

  • Hugs

  • A car that runs

  • Our dog, Moo

  • A calm, peaceful morning without hiccups

  • A safe commute to work

  • A job I love

  • Friends that nurture and fill my life

  • Using creativity in work

  • A good breakfast

  • Yummy leftovers packed for lunch

  • Good schools for my kids

  • Healthy kids

  • Healthy mind

  • The kind smile I saw

  • The invitation to hang

You get the picture…. and this list that is created gives the picture of all the precious gifts we have been given. It truly can be a small, life-changing, simple thing to do. The act of writing these gifts down makes them so real. It brings them to life in our minds and is a vivid reminder of all that we have. When it’s easy to see the gifts, and especially when it’s not. It can make all the difference. When I happen to be in the low, low valley of life is when I may need to see these gifts come to life the most, and sometimes when I am on top of the mountain I tend to forget. In that same way; writing them down is such a reminder of all the good gifts that I am surrounded with daily. Life is hard, and always will be. We aren’t promised an easy-ride through life, but we can be grateful for all the things we get to see, be a part of, and simply have been given along this somewhat bumpy ride.

Start writing some things down today. Type a list on your computer or phone, buy a beautiful journal and handwrite all your gifts down. Whatever works the best for you, you will be amazed by what makes it on your list. Some days may be easier than others, but just start and watch your thought-life and heart be transformed.

If you need guidance and structure my friends recently introduced me to Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts. In this book, Ann walks you through thoughtfully having gratitude, and striving for intentionality living in thankfulness daily. Ann says, “When we slow, stop, notice, reflect, and give thanks - it’s right there: the goodness and grace of God all around us. Giving thanks for one thousand things is ultimately an invitation to slow time down with the weight of full attention.”

It NO longer is flying past us without being noticed.

Let’s try and slow down, stop, notice, reflect, and give thanks together and see what wonderful things happen in our lives because we notice the wonder that has truly always been there.



Megan McDougal